Velio acoustic curtains

Velio acoustic curtains

With their respective special characteristics Velio acoustic curtains and drapes provide solutions for a wide range of architectural situations. They are made to measure, and these different solutions can easily be combined together.

Velio flexible partitions can be drawn or pulled back instantly depending on requirements. They contribute to the visible reorganisation of spaces, while enhancing their acoustic and thermal comfort.

Antistatic and dust-proof
10-year guarantee

Alpha sound-absorbing acoustic curtains, hung in an area or in front of glazing, help control sound and light levels. DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains contribute additionally to the reduction of sound between two areas. Velio drapes can be used to mark the boundaries of areas without totally closing them off.

Alpha sound-absorbing acoustic curtains installed in front of glazing to manage the acoustics of music practice rooms by drawing them or not

Hung in front of glazing, Texaa’s Alpha sound-absorbing acoustic curtains absorb resonating sounds, filter light and improve occupants’ comfort.

Texaa Alpha sound-absorbing acoustic curtains regulate sound absorption, while also acting on the level of light in a room, seen here in the head offices of William Grant & Sons Distillers Ltd. in Richmond, London.

Texaa sDB sound-reducing acoustic curtains are a flexible way to provide visible boundaries to spaces, seen here in shared workspaces at the Crown Estate, Bessborough Street in London.

Previewed at the architect@work Paris exhibition,
DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains reduce sound transmission between two rooms.

DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains mark the boundaries of a room enabling it nevertheless to be completely open, so that a space is never permanently partitioned.

Texaa’s Velio drapes mark the boundaries of spaces without closing them off completely.

Texaa’s Maille Ronde Élargie (MRE) Aeria stitch, knitted in our workshop, has been especially designed to let light through, while creating a feeling of privacy.

Composition and installation

Texaa acoustic Curtains are made of two lengths of sound-absorbing felt wadding with an Aeria cover. 

They are highly flame-resistant and clad on both sides with run-resistant, antistatic and dirt-repellent Aeria fabric, in combination with two thicknesses of 3-mm thick sound-absorbing black felt wadding and a core of six sound-damping layers.

They can be zipped together with zippers that are sewn down their sides, making it possible to accommodate varying space dimensions.

The curtains are hung from a rail fitted with rollers for easy drawing. For more static applications, the curtains may be fitted with eyelets (diameter 40 mm).

Texaa’s drapes make it possible to mark the boundaries of spaces without closing them off completely. The MRE open stitch, knitted in Texaa’s workshop from fully recycled fibres was especially designed to let light through, while concealing the environment behind it. In open spaces these drapes create a sense of boundary between areas with a very light installation and develop a feeling of privacy.

Texaa drapes are available in three shades: MRE980 (Granit), MRE640 (Nacre) and MRE680 (Taupe). Other colours are available on request.


Colours available

Alpha sound-absorbing and DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains

Select from the 30 colours in the Maille Ronde (MR) palette. Special colours available on request.

Vieux rose
Rose rubis
Bleu menthe
Bleu étang
Bleu nocturne
Vert cactus
Vert beige
Gris pierre
Chiné naturel
Chiné brun
Chiné noir
Chiné graphique

Grain de riz stitch options

Alpha sound-absorbing and DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains only.

Bleu pacifique

Velio Drapes

Select from the 3 colours in the Maille Ronde Élargie (MRE) palette. Special colours available on request.

Specify and install

Alpha Sound-absorbing acoustic curtains


Sound absorption is provided by double-sided Texaa® Alpha sound-absorbing acoustic curtains which prevent light from passing. They are highly flame-resistant and clad on both sides with run-resistant, antistatic and dirt-repellent Aeria fabric, in combination with two layers of 3-mm thick sound-absorbing black felt wadding. Each curtain is hemmed at the bottom and may be joined to others using zips inserted in their side seams, matching the colour of the fabric chosen.


Sound absorption coefficient ɑw = 0.50 (H) for a Alpha sound-absorbing acoustic curtains hanging 100 mm away from the curtained surface, with a fulness of 1.5 (slightly pleated)
Sound absorption coefficient
ɑw = 0.65 (H) for a Alpha sound-absorbing acoustic curtains hanging 100 mm away from the curtained surface, with a fullness of 2 (moderately pleated)
Weight: 1.05 kg / m² (curtain with no pleating) 
Maximum height: 4 m
Stretching prior to stabilisation: approximately 1%

Durability of the fabric cover

Performance of Aeria 330 g/m2 run-resistant fabric
Protection against soiling:
Hydro/oleo-phobic ≥ 5 (AATCC118 and AATCC193)
Electrostatic properties 7.1010 Ω (EN 1149-1)

European reaction to fire classification


Environnemental characteristics

  • VOC and formaldehyde emissions (ISO 16000)
  • The curtains qualify for French “A+” health labelling and are classed as “conforming” after assessment using the German AgBB protocol
  • LEED / BREEAM: 2 points for
    • Very low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and formaldehyde emissions.
    • Acoustic contribution


Vacuum cleaning, may be removed and refitted


10 years


Select from the 30 colours in the palette. Special colours available on request.

Hung from a rail

DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains


Sound-reduction is provided by Texaa® DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains.
They are highly flame-resistant and clad on both sides with run-resistant, antistatic and dirt-repellent Aeria fabric, in combination with two thicknesses of 3-mm thick sound-absorbing black felt wadding and a core of six sound-damping layers.
Each curtain is hemmed at the bottom and may be joined to others using zips inserted in their side seams, matching the colour of the fabric chosen.


Sound absorption coefficient ɑw = 0.70 (H) for a DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains 100 mm away from the curtained surface, with a fulness of 1.5 (slightly pleated)
Sound absorption coefficient
ɑw = 0.75 (H) for a DB sound-reducing acoustic curtains hanging 100 mm away from the curtained surface, with a fullness of 2 (moderately pleated)
Weight: 1.650 kg / m² (curtain with no pleating) 
Maximum height: 3.5 m (please consult us for greater heights).
Stretching prior to stabilisation: approximately 1%
Weighted sound reduction index: Rw(C, Ctr) = 10 (0; -2) dB

Durability of the fabric cover

Performance of Aeria 330 g/m2 run-resistant fabric
Protection against soiling:
Hydro/oleo-phobic ≥ 5 (AATCC118 and AATCC193)
Electrostatic properties 7.1010 Ω (EN 1149-1)

European reaction to fire classification


Environnemental characteristics

  • VOC and formaldehyde emissions (ISO 16000)
  • The curtains qualify for French “A+” health labelling and are classed as “conforming” after assessment using the German AgBB protocol
  • LEED / BREEAM: 2 points for
    • Very low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and formaldehyde emissions.
    • Acoustic contribution


Vacuum cleaning, may be removed and refitted


10 years


Select from the 30 colours in the palette. Special colours available on request.

Hung from a rail

Velio Drapes


Texaa Velio drapes are hung from the ceiling on a curtain track. Knitted with Texaa’s maille ronde élargie (MRE) stitch, they are run-resistant and made from fully recycled materials. Each individual curtain is finished with a hem along the bottom and on both sides, and joined to its neighbours by hanging the first and last attachment points on shared hooks.


Weight: 0.550 kg / m
Maximum length: 4 m (please consult us for greater lengths)
Stretching prior to stabilisation: approximately 3%


Durability of the fabric cover
Protection against soiling:
Hydro-/oleo-phobic ≥ 5 (AATCC118 and AATCC193)
Electrostatic properties 7.1010 Ω (EN 1149-1)
European reaction to fire classification
B-s1, d0


Environmental characteristics
– VOC and formaldehyde emissions (ISO 16000)
– The curtains qualify for French “A+” health labelling and are classed
as “conforming” after assessment using the German AgBB protocol
– LEED / BREEAM: 2 points for:
– Very low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) and formaldehyde emissions.
– Acoustic contribution


Vacuum cleaning, may be removed and refitted


10 years


Select from the 3 MRE colours. Special colours available on request.


Drapes made using the maille ronde (MR) stitch offer a choice of 30 colours
(see Aeria data sheet)

Hung from a rail
How can we help? F.A.Q.

How can I get a quote?

By contacting the Texaa business representative of your region by telephone or e-mail and leaving your contact details and what you need. We will send you a quote promptly.

How can I order Texaa products?

Our products are manufactured in our workshop and made available to order. Just contact the Texaa business representative of your region. If you already have a quote, you can also contact the person handling your order: the name is at the top left of your quote.

How do I get my products installed?

Joiners and upholsterers are the best skilled to install our products easily. We work regularly with some professionals, who we can recommend. If you have a tradesperson, who you trust, we can support him/her. You can find our installation instructions and tips here.

Got a technical question?

All our technical data sheets are here. Your regional Texaa business representative can also help; please feel free to contact him/her.

Can I have an appointment?

Our business representatives travel every day to installation sites and to see our customers. Please feel free to contact them and suggest the best dates and times for you, preferably by e-mail.

Lead times

Our products are manufactured to order. Our standard manufacturing time is 3 weeks for most of our products. Non-standard products take from 5 weeks. We also perform miracles on a regular basis! Please feel free to contact us.

Who should I call?

To get a quote, a delivery time or technical information, we recommend you call your regional Texaa business representative, who you can find here.

Order tracking

If you need information about your order, please contact the person in charge of handling it: the name is at the top left of your quote.